Thursday, October 30, 2014

And then there were 2.....

      This kitten has nothing to do with this blog post, she's just tiny and cute!

       Parent Teacher Conference for our son happened yesterday. These things always make me a bit nervous even when there isn't a concern. However, going into third grade, we knew he wasn't where he needed to be, especially with reading and writing. Yet, I was hoping he would start catching up and he hasn't. Now, a part of this may just be him wanting to be home which is understandable but it isn't the whole story.
   His grade and others also just went through 2 weeks of practice testing for the state tests in spring. My son was miserable and basically told me he was just guessing for every question because he didn't care. My oldest daughter took the practice tests in stride but also expressed frustration because she was looking at questions for work she hasn't even learned yet. That doesn't make sense! But, I digress...
    So, I listened to the teacher and knew within the first few minutes that we were bringing the boy home to school with his sister. So, he's home today and sleeping in as I write this. He will go in tomorrow to celebrate Harvest Day with his friends and say good bye and get all his stuff. Then we are off to new adventures.
   The next few months will be spent relaxing and deschooling him a bit. We'll still do experiments and play games and such. We;ll take the time to go off on tangents and see what really gets him motivated to read and learn! In the meantime, I'll keep sneaking in math with shopping lessons, cooking and so on. And when he's running his own technology firm, the boy better buy me a house in Tahiti!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Understanding and Adapting

I came across this HBO documentary this morning. I had it up on the computer while everyone finished up their morning routine. I didn't make the kids watch it with me but didn't hide it either. As I watched, #2 came up besides me and hugged me. We talk a lot about dyslexia and how her (and her brother's) brain works differently. Not stupid but different. "It isn't fair", she says. "Other kids can just read but I can't."
She's right and I tell her that this is the truth but it isn't an excuse. Everyone has something they struggle with. Then we refocus on what her strengths are: She is learning to sew. She can dance and do flips and many other things.
She becomes quiet as she watches kids on the monitor talk about their struggles and victories. Then, we moved on to doing our work. And, she did not cry when she made a mistake or squirm away when it was time to work on handwriting or phonics.
It was a good learning day for her.

Yet, I look back and wonder if we did enough. Should we have read 4 books instead of 3 at bedtime when she was 2? Instead of letting her watch cartoons sometimes, should we have just kept in on PBS all the time? Classical music instead of hip hop or rock? Would she be better off in a regular school environment? What happens if we decide to homeschool #3? Who has many of the same difficulties but a totally different personality.

I wonder.....

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Finding Opportunities and Balance

Today, #2 took a craft class. The object is to make a Penny Rug in 6 weeks. She quickly decided on a pattern and drew the objects basically free hand. The instructor seemed impressed and I know I was impressed! I stayed with her this time but she is thinking about staying on her own (there are other students there) next week. I'm glad that the internet, email, and social media has given me the tools to find these opportunities for her to explore things.

While she did have art at her charter school, sewing and picking her own projects or having input into what she may or may not want to do was not an option.Or, input into the order of when she does things like math, reading, or science. This is the case at most schools. This is good and bad. There is whining and resistance from time to time as I have written before but I'm starting to see progress and that is awesome.

Thing #3 is beginning to have similar struggles in school. We are watching closely with the idea of possibly bringing him to homeschool durng the holiday break. The more I think about it, the more I like it. No more morning battles with him as he is not a morning dude. No stressing about test prep and they can work together on certain subjects. But, there is the question of whether he will work at home or not. I think he will but it will be an adjustment for everyone.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Small Miracles

Yesterday, my daughter picked up a book and put in her bag to read while in the car. Last night, she read me a book before bed. Just now, she read a book to her dolls.

For the past 6 months or so, she has wanted nothing to do with independent reading. She called herself stupid for not keeping up with other kids her age. My heart broke for her! As someone who never had issues with reading or reading comprehension, this was a challenge for both of us. 

I backed off. And just read to her at bed time. During school time, I read most of the material to her. 

To see her confidence coming back is indeed amazing...