Thanksgiving just blew by us! Although, we are still working on leftovers. Today's dinner was turkey enchiladas. Hard to believe we are at December already! The kids took a coin toss to see who would start the advent calendar. #2 won and so it goes.
Today was a lazy kind of day where the kids figured out how to fill their time. Tomorrow, they have an activity to go to where they will make presents for people they choose. At the end of the week, we are taking a field trip to a local animal shelter where the challenge will be not to take anymore cats home.
There will be baking and reading and math and all sorts of other stuff. A highlight last week was them receiving activity crates from Kiwi Crate. We ordered the Tinker Crate and the Doodle Crate. The boxes came addressed to the kids and were well packed with 90%-95% of items needed. I was impressed even though the motor in the Tinker Crate didn't work as expected. Extra parts were requested and sent out quickly. Hopefully, the next one goes more smoothly.
#3 who wants nothing to do yet with traditional worksheet type stuff sat and worked on his motor for 3 hours. This included following the directions (he did need some help), watching videos and looking up more info about motors. I haven't seen him that excited about a learning activity in a long time.
#1 is at the point where we need to look at school placements for 7th grade (how did that happen). I'm also taking the opportunity to see which schools are open to homeschoolers if we decide to go that route when the time comes.
In the meantime, I need to start organizing the new curriculum. It's currently in a huge cardboard box taunting me!