Monday, February 23, 2015

Routines, what routines?

     As we move further and further on our journey, no day or week has been the same. Our daily schedule is kind of dictated by our outside asctivities.

Last week was break week for the oldest at school. The younger 2 did their math work while the oldest did her homework. There was reading, game playing, video game playing and a lot of zoning out. There was even a trip to the library and everyone did some reading....yes everyone! That is a huge step forward for us!

This week is back to normal, whatever that means! The oldest headed out in negative temps to school, the wife is off on a trip and the homeschoolers did their thing. There was math, music practice, investigating things under the microscope, and some reading too.

#2 started her testing this week. However, as homeschoolers, we do not have to use the same tests they use in school. In fact, I opted for a test that is designed to be taken at home and is an untimed test. Halfway through the math section and I can already see improvement from where she was over the summer. #3 does not have to test this year so he is off the hook.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Understanding Dyslexia

The average person (including myself) thinks that Dyslexia is all about flipping letters around. It is so much more than that. The more reading I do, the more obvious it becomes.

#3 had many early indicators and indeed even received speech therapy as a toddler for being non-verbal. He also often got stuck on a word. It was like a record player skipping (Yes, I remember record players). He would start a sentence and when he got stuck, he just kept repeating the last word he spoke over and over again until he remembered the word he wanted or we helped him figure it out.

I had no idea that shoe tying could be a sign of Dyslexia either. In fact, he didn't learn to tie his shoes until 2nd grade. Even now, he can't get them as tight as he would like so we have shoes without laces or with elastic laces that don't require him to tie them and he still has independence.

Interestingly, both #2 and #3 were late walkers. They both dislike reading and writing and definitely still get mixed up with calendars and telling time.

Yet, they both have great senses of humor and a talent for sarcasm. I mean, if there was a test for this stuff, they'd be in the 99%th percentile. They have excellent memories. #3 can pull out random facts about topics at anytime. They both show talent in artistic endeavors like drawing and building things.

#2 has said that sometimes when she tries to read, the words seem to move around the page. I'm starting to think that she may see things in a 3 dimensional way:

#1 told me tonight that sometimes her letters and numbers flip around on her but she is able to double check things and they flip back. I told her that it sounded like a milder form of Dyslexia and that she seemed to be doing well so far but to let me know if this changes and she needs help.

My biggest job at this point is helping them with reading and writing but at their pace. At the same time, we have to reframe their thinking and ours! I tell #2 all the time that she isn't dumb or stupid but her brain works differently. Right now, I feel like I'm constantly pushing a boulder up a really, really high mountain!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Art & Imagination

This week has seen a large growth in imaginative play and the creative process. A friend is helping #2 learn to crochet which is not an area I have any skill in...yet.
And #3 has started to realize that he doesn't need an instruction manual to build things with his legos and kinex.

The dog just likes to have everyone hanging around but he has yet to help with the laundry!