Wednesday, July 30, 2014

An Introduction

To put it simply, I'm Mrs H. Wife to another Mrs H (hereafter referred to as Wife).  (Yes, you read that correctly) and mom to 3 great and crazy kids. Until I can think of clever nicknames, we'll just say 1, 2 and 3.  1 and 2 are girls and 3 is the youngest and only boy in our household (unless you count the pets). The wife has a job that requires pretty extensive travel and that has put me into the position of SAHM.

Currently, all 3 kids attend a local charter school in our area. A school where we love the teachers and staff but is not able to meet the needs of  #2. Upon learning that their recommendation was moving her to another school with other special needs kids and more staff, we decided to venture onto the homeschool path. That, my friends, is where we are now.

Not something I ever thought I would try or would even want to try. #1 and #3 will be staying in their school at this time as they do not have the same issues or needs and are progressing. So, I have spent the last few months googling, adding things my amazon wish list, searching ebay, talking to teachers, talking to friends who are teachers, and rearranging furniture. Our 1400 sq foot house does not allow for a separate homeschool space at all.

School for everyone starts in just about a month! In the meantime, we are enjoying our summer and doing review work here and there.