Saturday, August 2, 2014

What's in a name?


Even though, we officially don't need a homeschool name or logo at this point, I felt like it was an important step. An identity is key! I had thrown around the idea of using our last name or street but no one liked those. So, after thinking for awhile, I came up with Grassroots Academy. So, if we ever need to make an official report card or transcript or diploma, we've got something to start with. If someone asks her what school she goes to, we have an answer besides "home" or "I don't know". 

It's about us starting over, strengthening her roots so she can grow and thrive (if you want to get poetic about it). 

To make it even more official, I'll be ordering her a school shirt soon. We still have shirts around here from preschool so why not from homeschool?! 

I have an affinity for the tree of life symbol too. In fact, it's likely to be part of my next tattoo! 

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