Sunday, October 25, 2015

We're still here

It's now almost November and I find myself wanting to hibernate. It's getting dark so early and starting to cool down.

We've been doing various hands on projects and art work and following their interests all over the place. They both seem to be doing well with their reading coaches. Getting the boy to participate has been half the battle. He wants me to sit in the cubicle with him. I bring a book or play games on my phone while he works. Some days, I wish I could drop them off and run off for an hour! But, it's helpful for me to see what he's doing and how much he knows (which is a lot more than he lets on as usual).

Both, #2 and #3 will be completing assessments this year to keep their IEPS (Individualized Education Plan). This allows us to maintain their eligibility for services if they return to school or if we decide to access those services in the future. Always nice to have some kind of safety net.

The bigger surprise for me is how much I feel like my relationships have improved with the kids. I mean they weren't bad to begin with but we are getting to a deeper level now. We still get on each other's nerves too!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Rolling with the punches

    Summer wasn't fun for me. I'm still not 100% and am very frustrated. But, the pain is improving everyday.
      In school news, #1 seems to be enjoying 7th grade at her new school. She loves riding the city bus there and back (when she didn't have soccer). She's made some friends and knows how to open her locker now! We are just getting back into the swing of things with the younger 2 at home. Some days are better than others. I am learning and relearning as much as they are. My notions of what education and learning are seem to be getting challenged every day by these two small humans!
     And the world keeps spinning.

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Rough Start to our Summer!

For the past month, I've been having back pain which I attributed to exercise and being almost 40. Well, after weeks of worsening pain which included a trip to the ER, I found myself in an MRI machine.

Immediately, after the MRI results were read, I found myself going to the ER again. After hours of sitting in pain, I was admitted. It turns out that I somehow ended up with an infection that traveled through my blood and decided to move into my spinal chord. I came pretty close to paralysis or worse.

There was a week long hospital stay which included a pretty painful spinal biopsy, that I was awake for.

I'm now home but attached to a machine that will dispense antibiotics every 4 hours for the next 6 weeks. I wish I could say that I'm having a positive attitude about still being here and being able to walk but I'm not there yet.

I'm still in a lot of pain and I'm angry. I was exercising and trying to eat (mostly) healthy and I'm sitting here in pain and no one knows how or why this happened. Our summer is certainly not going how I hoped it would!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

What did you do today?

Like any other parents, we'd ask our kids questions about their day (before we started homeschooling). They'd say things like: "I forgot", "Nothing", and so on. Our son would go even further and say that he didn't talk to anyone or play with anyone. Now, this was not true because I would see him at various times playing with friends, answering questions, participating and so on.

Now, kids (and some adults) will ask my homeschoolers what they did or what they are learning and they say: "Nothing", "I don't know", or "We watched TV or played games". They forget to mention the sewing classes they attend, the writing class, the homeschool meet-ups, the science fair at a local university, learning how to cook, and so on.

Sometimes, they don't even realize they are learning different things. The pic above is from a hike we took this morning. On that hike, they looked for (and spotted) animal tracks, talked about pollution in the water, read detour signs (which then meant changing our planned hiking route), took turns with each other's bike and scooter and so on. Yet, if someone asks them what they did today, they will say "Nothing" or maybe "We walked the dog".

And, yes later on there will be a math lesson and some reading time. That's just how we roll right now!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


It's almost the end of a pretty full school year. The oldest is moving on to Middleschool in the fall. We don't know where yet as all of the placements haven't been sent out yet.
Our 2 homeschoolers have been doing all kinds of things. Our youngest kind of forced us onto an unschooled path and we are still figuring things out.
At this point, I've realized that outsourcing is good, and sometimes necessary. As, I'm writing this (on my phone!), they are attending a writing class. #3 is a reluctant writer at home so I've realized that I needed an alternate plan. Boom, homeschool writing class!
Hopefully, they have a good time! Now, back to my coffee! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Making me a priority is hard sometimes...

    In the past few years, I have been successful at weight loss but put the weight back on. First, with a knee injury and then an arm injury. Both required surgery, a few months to recover and then physical therapy. To be honest, I stopped the arm PT early because I was doing more at home with my arm than what was happening at the hospital. Hello, groceries and laundry for 5 people!

I am at the point where I just wasn't feeling good. So, we reexamined our budget and rejoined the YMCA.  I'm starting the Couch to 5K program again (aka C25K) and doing weights 3 times a week. My right arm (the surgery arm) already feels a bit better and straighter after only a few weeks.

Yet, sometimes, I feel guilty. About taking time out of the day to work out. To take advantage of the child care at the Y during the week, this typically means heading in at the end of the day. And lets be honest, sometimes one just would rather veg out on the couch than strap on gym gear and go get sweaty.

Today, there was chasing the dog to spray him with a medicine for a rash on his stomach, 2 math quizzes to give, reading stories, rehearsing a play, music class, homework for the oldest and much laundry (nudists may have the right idea here). Yet, I packed my gear in the car and after school pick up, a quick bite at McDs and then music class, we headed off to the gym. If the younger 2 had HW, I don't know if this would be as easy as their HW generally caused an insane amount of drama!

And now, at home, more laundry is going and I feel better for having gone! Now bring on bed time please!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Chaos and Perfection

    The past week, #2 and I have focused on her completing an annual exam. The state of NY requires homeschoolers to choose a test every other year, starting in 4th grade. Then every year, starting in 9th. She was downright indignant that #3 didn't have to test this year. What can I say kid? Life isn't always fair.

A friend commented that while she could see positive changes in my kids, her idea of school remains firmly rooted in the idea of desks, a teacher and a classroom. That's cool as that was my idea about it too and still is sometimes. #2 surprised me by saying she didn't think she wanted to return to school when she got older. I said ok, we'll see what happens when the time comes.

Some days are great and some days have me questioning my sanity and wondering if I can request a coffee/wine iv drip from my doctor! Today, is a good day so far. #2 finished her test while holding one of our cats. Then, they played on the computer and they are ending their day with constructing their own experiments. I'm not sure what they are doing but they are fully engaged and working both independently and together. We'll end the evening with a drum class for #3,  pizza for dinner, and a math lesson. For some reason, his math goes a lot smoother at night these days.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Routines, what routines?

     As we move further and further on our journey, no day or week has been the same. Our daily schedule is kind of dictated by our outside asctivities.

Last week was break week for the oldest at school. The younger 2 did their math work while the oldest did her homework. There was reading, game playing, video game playing and a lot of zoning out. There was even a trip to the library and everyone did some reading....yes everyone! That is a huge step forward for us!

This week is back to normal, whatever that means! The oldest headed out in negative temps to school, the wife is off on a trip and the homeschoolers did their thing. There was math, music practice, investigating things under the microscope, and some reading too.

#2 started her testing this week. However, as homeschoolers, we do not have to use the same tests they use in school. In fact, I opted for a test that is designed to be taken at home and is an untimed test. Halfway through the math section and I can already see improvement from where she was over the summer. #3 does not have to test this year so he is off the hook.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Understanding Dyslexia

The average person (including myself) thinks that Dyslexia is all about flipping letters around. It is so much more than that. The more reading I do, the more obvious it becomes.

#3 had many early indicators and indeed even received speech therapy as a toddler for being non-verbal. He also often got stuck on a word. It was like a record player skipping (Yes, I remember record players). He would start a sentence and when he got stuck, he just kept repeating the last word he spoke over and over again until he remembered the word he wanted or we helped him figure it out.

I had no idea that shoe tying could be a sign of Dyslexia either. In fact, he didn't learn to tie his shoes until 2nd grade. Even now, he can't get them as tight as he would like so we have shoes without laces or with elastic laces that don't require him to tie them and he still has independence.

Interestingly, both #2 and #3 were late walkers. They both dislike reading and writing and definitely still get mixed up with calendars and telling time.

Yet, they both have great senses of humor and a talent for sarcasm. I mean, if there was a test for this stuff, they'd be in the 99%th percentile. They have excellent memories. #3 can pull out random facts about topics at anytime. They both show talent in artistic endeavors like drawing and building things.

#2 has said that sometimes when she tries to read, the words seem to move around the page. I'm starting to think that she may see things in a 3 dimensional way:

#1 told me tonight that sometimes her letters and numbers flip around on her but she is able to double check things and they flip back. I told her that it sounded like a milder form of Dyslexia and that she seemed to be doing well so far but to let me know if this changes and she needs help.

My biggest job at this point is helping them with reading and writing but at their pace. At the same time, we have to reframe their thinking and ours! I tell #2 all the time that she isn't dumb or stupid but her brain works differently. Right now, I feel like I'm constantly pushing a boulder up a really, really high mountain!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Art & Imagination

This week has seen a large growth in imaginative play and the creative process. A friend is helping #2 learn to crochet which is not an area I have any skill in...yet.
And #3 has started to realize that he doesn't need an instruction manual to build things with his legos and kinex.

The dog just likes to have everyone hanging around but he has yet to help with the laundry!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Always Changing Directions

Other than Math, my plans and curriculum choices weren't working. Lots of resistance which led to bad moods, distrust and power struggles.

I asked them, "What do you want to do?"

The boy said that he wanted more science projects. The girl said she wants to build a play house.

Well, it's January in Upstate, NY. Building a play house can happen but not right now. I told her she needed a plan or a blueprint. We'll see if she goes anywhere with this idea.

The boy's idea is a bit more reachable. I put the curriculum aside and took out the dig a dinosaur kits, some books on dinosaurs, printed up some worksheets and fun dinosaur puzzles and cued up some things on Netflix.

Today, even with me not feeling 100% and the oldest being home sick, was a pretty good school day (or unschool day?), They watched a few Dino shows and dug out dino bones. This went on for 4 hours. 4 hours of us watching and discussing topics like evolution, the impending ice age, how the continents were one huge land mass and other assorted topics.

Currently, they have pulled out various art supplies to do an art project of some sort. This is completely their spontaneous idea. I hope this spark continues!

We may be moving in an unschool type direction which is a bit scary for me. I think I need more deschooling time!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

You can lead a horse to water.....

but you can't make him drink.

Sickness has been rolling through the kids this week and last.
It's possible that more deschooling time is needed before we jump in but there was a ton of resistance today.

However, they are asking for more science projects and more hands on. So, I'm going to look at what we have and go from there. 

In the meantime, I'm going to reboot with some wine! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Math isn't literal...

We started back with academics this week after deschooling since September.
He was less than thrilled honestly. My daughter was happy to get back into it though.
He finally sat with me to do a math lesson. But, he wanted to work in the workbook and not on the computer. This surprised me but we went ahead. 
Then he got stuck. The problem was: 
6-1= _____
His answer was 6. Now, this is review and I know he has done this basic stuff before. So, I pulled out pennies and he got the answer right. But, back to the worksheet and he still says 6. 
I asked him why his answer was 6. He looked at me and then covered the number 1 with his finger and said the 6 is still there. 
He definitely sees things in a different way!