Thursday, October 30, 2014

And then there were 2.....

      This kitten has nothing to do with this blog post, she's just tiny and cute!

       Parent Teacher Conference for our son happened yesterday. These things always make me a bit nervous even when there isn't a concern. However, going into third grade, we knew he wasn't where he needed to be, especially with reading and writing. Yet, I was hoping he would start catching up and he hasn't. Now, a part of this may just be him wanting to be home which is understandable but it isn't the whole story.
   His grade and others also just went through 2 weeks of practice testing for the state tests in spring. My son was miserable and basically told me he was just guessing for every question because he didn't care. My oldest daughter took the practice tests in stride but also expressed frustration because she was looking at questions for work she hasn't even learned yet. That doesn't make sense! But, I digress...
    So, I listened to the teacher and knew within the first few minutes that we were bringing the boy home to school with his sister. So, he's home today and sleeping in as I write this. He will go in tomorrow to celebrate Harvest Day with his friends and say good bye and get all his stuff. Then we are off to new adventures.
   The next few months will be spent relaxing and deschooling him a bit. We'll still do experiments and play games and such. We;ll take the time to go off on tangents and see what really gets him motivated to read and learn! In the meantime, I'll keep sneaking in math with shopping lessons, cooking and so on. And when he's running his own technology firm, the boy better buy me a house in Tahiti!

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